7038 Longwoods Road, London, ON N6P 1A2

About Us

Ontario Estate Management (OEM) was incorporated in 2001. Since its inception, various estate-related functions and advice have been provided for select clients. In 2015, the decision was made internally to open up OEM services to the general public.

Estate Services

Ontario Estate Management offers an extensive list of services and a wide range of expertise to cover all of your estate-related needs.

Probate Fees

Probate fees refer to what
is officially known as estate administration tax (governed by the Estate Administration Tax Act).

Ancillary Services

In addition to an extensive range of Estate-related services, Ontario Estate Management has numerous ancillary services available.


Estate administration procedure differs greatly depending on the nature and complexity of the estate. Typically, an estate is administered by what’s called an Estate Trustee.

What is “probate”?

To “probate” the estate is to have the will proved in court as the last will and testament of the testator (deceased) or, if no will, to apply as the Estate Trustee. This is done through an application to the court for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee, which is issued to an eligible Estate Trustee or, in certain cases, multiple Co-estate Trustees.